Information Station

Links to reliable parenting information for you.
Click on the links below to take you directly to relevant websites and professionals:
Caring for Your Newborn
Discover how to hold and dress your newborn and manage routine care such as bathtime, diaper changes and dental care.
How to Hold and Dress Your Baby
Newborn screening in Saskatchewan
Setting up a safe nursery:
Car Seat Safety
Questions about car seats? Follow this link to learn about the rules and regulations in Saskatchewan and/or find a certified car seat technician near you - watch installation videos: SGI Car Seat Technicians
Crying Baby
Understand crying & what to expect. Click here for information about Crying Baby?
Selecting a child care provider for your child is an important job! Follow the link for information on choosing quality care, regulations, licensed providers in our community: Child Care in Saskatchewan
Child Development
Find out how to support your baby's communication and thinking skills as well as their emotional and social development:
This link has some great information and resources for dads! I’m a Dad – Dad Central
Videos and ‘24 hour crib side assistance’ manual for new dads: dad resources
Family Literacy
Family literacy activities strengthen the relationship between family members which, in turn, encourages lifelong learning. Singing, talking, writing, reading and playing are activities that play a huge role in improving the literacy skills of your entire family ABC Literacy Canada and
Head Shape
Babies heads are soft and grow rapidly - if you have a concern about your baby’s head shape talk with your health care professional - treatment is time sensitive Head Shape
Healthy Children and Families
Pregnancy, infants, parenting, sexual health, safety. and more SK Prevention Institute
Infant Feeding
If you are looking for support in breastfeeding this website has resources, information, and videos:
Breastfeeding, expressing, formula feeding, introduction to solids and more: Feeding and Nutrition and tip sheets in additional languages:
In Hospital Birth Questionnaire
In Saskatchewan, before leaving the hospital with their newborn baby mothers are asked to complete a questionnaire - it is a voluntary screening tool that asks how the new baby and family are doing - this information can help put supports in place for families and provides important information related to planning for programming needs in communities
Injury Prevention
Injury prevention topics such as: home safety, product safety, vacation safety, choking, Halloween safety and more: Parachute Canada
Immigration - Newcomer Services
Battlefords Immigration Resource Centre (BIRC) Website: BIRC
Indian Status
Contact your band office or Indigenous Services Canada: Applying for child's Indian Status
Live Birth Registration
Registration of your child’s birth allows you to apply for Saskatchewan Birth Certificate, Canada Child Benefits, Saskatchewan Health Card, Social Insurance Number
Most parents will receive the registration form in hospital. For further information:
Maternal Mental Health
Maternity and Parental Leave
Information and apply online: Maternity and Parental Leave and Benefits
Service Canada office: 1401 - 101st Street, North Battleford
Parent Resources
Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting - free downloadable book
Newcomer information - prenatal and parenting - several languages
Prenatal Care and Support:
Online Prenatal Education - Saskatchewan Health Authority Youtube Videos: Prenatal Education Videos
Downloadable App from Saskatchewan Prevention Institute that provides free, evidence-based information for pregnant people living in Saskatchewan. The app includes daily health messages, tracking for different aspects of pregnancy (weight gain, blood pressure, mental health), a GPS-enabled map to access local resources, information on breastfeeding, videos, and more. Prenatal App
Prenatal Education Battleford - Infographic Prenatal Education
Hello Baby Brochure - pre and post natal information for parents in the Battlefords Hello Baby Brochure
Pregnancy and Infant Loss
Pregnancy and Infant Loss - information
Rapid Access Counselling
quick access to brief mental health services for individuals, couples and families
services are prioritized for individuals who do not have access to workplace benefits, who live on a fixed or low income, and who would otherwise most often experience long waits for publicly funded services
Saskatchewan Healthline Online - Call 811
Professional health or mental health and addictions advice, education and support that is free, 24/7, confidential and offered in over 100 languages
Dressing your baby for sleep
Safe sleep on the go
Cribs, cradles and bassinets
Healthy Sleep for your baby and child